Kamis, 16 September 2010

They Get The Disorder

okay. I made some analysis about 3 main characters on Twilight Saga film. and here's the report :

ALERT : i am a twilight-hater. so, for fans, don't waste your time to read my post. i won't care with your fanatic words about those fucking characters anyway.

Isabella Swan

I still don't get what exactly disorder she has. it seems is between OCD and "just heavily-obsessed". One thing clear is : her love is very similar to what we called "obsessive love". also, she had paraphilia, specifically called necrophilia because her sexual desire to vampire. (remember : vampires are DEAD PEOPLE, after all). oh, and also, she has a zoophilia, specififically called beastiality, because she had a crush with a were-wolf, too.

Edward Cullen
I think he's kinda... oh rite, a transgender (I almost called him as a transsexual, but it refers to gender-changing with surgery) because he's too sparkly as a man. as we know, something sparkly always identical with feminism.

ah, also see what Severus Snape said about this sparkly thing :

Jacob Black
it's clear that he's an exhibitionist because he often shows his chest and six-packed stomach, which it means he shows 2 of his sex-appeal. Well, one good thing is, he has a good body so it's still worth to see. if girls have crush with him, it's still logical because it's prove that they don't have necrophilia symptoms , although they maybe had a symptom(s) of zoophilia.

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